Teachers build society. Children look up to them as their role model. Professional teachers know well how to mould the minds of the younger generation who is our future. West Bengal has always been the front runner in education. The present day teaching methodologies are going through constant review and research. Inclusion is becoming the key word of all the approaches. This has forced Teacher Education to face difficult challenges. SRI SRI KRISHNARAY TRUST, Tehatta, Nadia is going to open its window to enlighten Teachers’ Training Course through Tehatta Sri Sri Krishnaray Collage of Education. Our task is huge. But we are confident, our united struggle will achieve the goal. We will enter into every detail of teaching-learning activities in the state; we will compare it with what is done at other Colleges, Institutes of our country. We will introduce a new wave in the ocean of teaching – learning and teacher education that will have its origin in West Bengal with a heritage of India and flow in all the directions over the globe to learn and to propagate. Teachers will be the key players in that achievement.
Mr. Chandranath Ganguly
Contact No. 9932875998
Secretary, Tehatta Sri Sri Krishnaray Collage of Education