I am delighted to extend a very warm welcome to the students who are desirous of It is firmly believed that the quality of teachers in educational institutions determines the eventual quality of education. The role of colleges of education...

I am delighted to extend a very warm welcome to the students who are desirous of It is firmly believed that the quality of teachers in educational institutions determines the eventual quality of education. The role of colleges of education...
Teachers build society. Children look up to them as their role model. Professional teachers know well how to mould the minds of the younger generation who is our future. West Bengal has always been the front runner in education. The...
"Education is drawing out the best in man - mind, soul and spirit, it implies the development of the 3'H's Head, Heart and Hand. The main function of education is to guard the social heritage and educational values. For this...
তেহট্ট শ্রী শ্রী কৃষ্ণরায় কলেজ অফ এডুকেশন এ লেকচারার পদে। বি,এড : শারীর শিক্ষা, এডুকেশন,...
Read Moreবি,এড বিভাগে জরুরী নিয়োগ পদ : প্রিন্সিপাল যোগ্যতা : এন,সি,টি,ই নির্ধারিত পদ.: লেকচারার বিষয় :...
Read Moreবি,এড বিভাগে জরুরী নিয়োগপদ : প্রিন্সিপালযোগ্যতা : এন,সি,টি,ই নির্ধারিতপদ.: লেকচারারবিষয়...
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum non...
In keeping with the tradition of Bengal’s love and respect for Education and enlightenment it comes in line a much-needed Teachers training institute equivalent to the status of a B.Ed and D.El.Ed. college that came into being in India during the British regime. Like many outstanding educational institute Tehatta Sri Sri Krishnaray College of Education under the SRI SRI KRISHNARAY TRUST, Tehatta, Nadia has come to emerge to meet up the growing need of the teaching professionals. Equipped with adequate infrastructure, the Tehatta Sri Sri Krishnaray College of Education can claim to be an establishment of excellence both in terms of academic and physical environment. Away from clatter of everyday life and vehicular nuisance, the aforesaid B.Ed and D.El.Ed. College has every reason to boast of its greenery in which it stands as a spot of Beauty. Free from polluted surroundings, this college offers a campus of peace required from perfect learning. On the way of Krishnagar, Karimpur Main Road, thus providing a hassle- free transport for the trainees. Our College is in the category of self-financing status under recognized by NCTE (National Council for Teacher Education) and affiliated to WBUTTETA (The West Bengal University of Teachers’ Training, Education Planning and Administration ) & WBBPE (West Bengal Board of Primary Education).So it is our customary to maintained the Newly setup a central university of West Bengal.